AttyAid 缅甸办公室

AttyAid 缅甸办公室

AttyAid 参加第十三届亚洲知识产权营商论坛

The first Grand Opening trademark application in Myanmar after the implementation of the Myanmar Trademark Law.
Prior-to-file or Prior-to-use?
What's the general procedure for trademark registration?
- 1. 递交申请
- 2. 形式审查及绝对理由审查
- 3. 可异议公告):60天
- 4. 无异议,注册缴费
- 5. 下发商标注册证书
Who can own a trademark?
自然人或法人 (a natural or juridical person)
Any information and documents requested for the filing purpose?
- 1.申请人名称及详细地址;
- 2.签字人名称及职位,并签署委托书(TM-2表格由我司提供);
- 3.签署的委托书需经过公证(无需使馆认证),扫描件即可;
- 4.商标图样及详细的商品/服务项目清单;
- 5.如需申请优先权,则需提供优先权信息,包括优先权日和基础商标申请号等。
Will the registration certificate be in Electronic form only or the physical copy will be issued too?
What's the general procedure for invalidation of a registered mark?